Thursday, May 18, 2017

30 Morning Routines That Can Make You Motivated and Productive for a Whole Day

pagi nih dapat motivation email pasal nih
meh kita check apa dia 30 routines tu..
tak dapat buat semua, buat satu dua pun jadi la kannnn

1. Wake up on time;  akak slalu wat nih, akak tido awal, so bangun pun awal  ;)

2. Open your curtains; ini biasa nihhhh

3. Make your bed; kemas2 katil siap2

4. Enjoy a refreshing shower; yep sebab tu akak suka beli shower gel n syampoo yang mahai2 sket..  suka enjoy2 lama2 dalam tu..    akak n anis sama jek perangai..   kalau ayah n adam, shower gel untuk seluruh badan..   kik3

5. Drink a freshly-blended smoothie; ni akak tak wat lah, nak cut sugar, walaupun dari buah2 tapi still ada sugar kan..   akak prefer to eat the juice, haaaa gittewwwww

6. Take a 10-minute walk in the morning sunshine; kami lepas sarapan kat rumah; sama2 naik moto gi opis, so kira morning sunshine gak eh..    sronok tau naik moto bedua, peluk rapat2 sket..   kik3

7. Check your to-do list; check calendar dulu, tgk apa program hari ni, apa nak kena wat nak kena beli..

8. Listen to some upbeat music;  ada beberapa lagu akak suka dengar, boleh refer posting sblom2 nih.

9. Complete a mini workout;  pepagi biasanya akak tak wat workout, tapi boleh cuba kan, squat pun jadi lahhh..  

10. Review your goals; ye kannn patut buat nihhhhh..    review #myWLjourney

11. Pack some healthy snacks to take to work; yang ni memang hari2 akak wat ye, pagi tadi potong oren..   jadi la kannnnn ada bekalan hari nih..    memula nak tapau putu mayam tapi tak sampai2 pulak abang tu..

12. Declutter part of your home; akak tak buat pepagi, tapi buat gak la kemas2 meja makan ke, buang segala kat atas tu..    tapi kalau part of home akak wat weekends uols..   siaplaaaa abis semua akak buang..

13. Meditate for 5 minutes; ini kita memang  buat tiap2 pagi subuh kan..  

14. Stretch your body; ye kannn kena wat slow2 nihhhhh

15. Read a motivational quote; so kita pun feel motivated ehhhh

16. Drink a glass of water; akak biasa wat gak nih, tiap2 pagi minum segelas air kosong, sblom mandi, bangun2 tido terus minum air kosong..

17. Create something; nak create apa tah..

18. Write down things you’re grateful for; kena cuba ni eh..   macam best aje.

19. Play with your pets; akak sempat gak gosong2 botak, sepet n cekta  :D

20. Listen to an inspiring podcast.

21. Plan your day; biasa akak plan makanan n workout aje..   kik3

22. Learn something new;   contoh nya a few words of a new language, a new guitar chord, or some facts related to your favorite basketball team.   hmmmm boleh cuba new language; menarik2..

23. Enjoy the quietness of the morning.

24. Think of a way to help someone later in the day; good idea nih, boleh cuba..

25. Go for a swim; yang ni tak dapek lahhhhh rumah takde pool katanya

26. Meet some friends for breakfast; pun tak dapek, akak bekfes sama encik afzan aje bedua kat rumah tiap2 hari  :)

27. Check yourself in the mirror; akak rajin buat gak nih..    senjak2 udah tukar saiz lagi rajin tengok diri sendiri..

28. Follow Steve Jobs’ advice; cuba tengok advise dia..    hebat Steve Jobs ni ye..

“If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?”

29. Leave plenty of time for your commute; kannnnnn akak pun tak suka tergesa2 n merempit laju2 time nak ke opis tu..

30. Kiss your loved ones before you leave the house; yeahhhhh siom2 gitu..   kita biasa salam cium tangan kannn, ok dah tu  ;)

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